申请St的10个理由. 爱德华的

St. 爱德华是 排名前十 在2022年西部最佳地区大学的类别中 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 连续第三年大学排名.

我们很自豪能成为该地区排名前十的学校, 但我们不仅仅是一个数字——就像你在圣. 爱德华的. Our students get a personalized education that supports them in becoming compassionate, 具有全球性的创造性思维和问题解决能力. 为了纪念我们的前10名排名, here are 10 (okay … it’s actually 15 because we had a really hard time limiting ourselves!)成为山顶者的理由. 

1. 所有新生都有一个成功教练

You’ll be matched with a coach who will help you navigate all the opportunities St. 爱德华的提供. 在一起, you’ll create a personalized road map that helps you access the full college experience: classes, 实习, 研究, 服务项目, 俱乐部, 出国留学. Your map will help you ensure you have the full college experience and graduate prepared for a meaningful career — and a purposeful life.  

2. 我们提供小班教学和13:1的师生比例.

我们的教授在圣. 因为他们想待在教室里, getting to know their students as individuals and helping them discover their passions. (U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 并将我们评为最佳本科教学前10名.)因为班级很小, it’s easy to find your professor-mentors who will connect you with 研究 and career opportunities. +, you’ll build connections with fellow students in discussions and active learning projects that help the community.

3. 我们的校园很美

访问 你自己看吧. 我们有光线充足的宿舍, 一个有玻璃墙阅览室的漂亮图书馆, 城堡般的主楼, 花园里有汩汩作响的喷泉和秋千, 春天里满是矢车菊的山丘, 以及奥斯汀市中心的最佳景观.

4. 你将生活在首都

圣. 爱德华的 campus is only fifteen minutes from the Texas State Capitol building. You’ll have the chance to intern with representatives and senators from around the state and from both sides of the aisle during Texas’ every-other-year legislative session. 课程还学习如何游说重要法案的通过, like a civics education initiative championed by assistant professor of Political Science David Thomason and his students last spring.

5. 你将学习迷人的课程


  • 颠倒的世界:乌托邦 & 美国历史上的反乌托邦 & 流行文化 
  • 探索校园和奥斯汀社区的可持续发展
  • 最好的时代/最坏的时代:大学生心理健康
  • Private Lives, Public Spaces: How Gender Affects Our Experience of Public Space

6. You Can Take Your pick of Study-Abroad Locations, Including 21 国际 Partner Universities

Embrace other cultures and perspectives, learn a new language, and travel independently. 住在昂热的寄宿家庭, 卢瓦尔河谷的一座中等城市, 并在西部天主教大学学习. Spend two years in Beppu, Japan, and earn a dual degree in Asia Pacific Studies from St. 爱德华立命馆亚太大学. 从世界各地大学的学期或暑期课程中选择, 包括在澳大利亚, 韩国, 苏格兰, 阿根廷和西班牙.

7. Our 研究生s Get into the Nation’s Top Medical, Professional and 研究生 学校

今年,圣?. 爱德华的 students were accepted to graduate programs in chemistry at Rice University, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的教育心理学教授, counseling psychology at Columbia University and journalism at Syracuse University — that’s just a sample — as well as multiple law schools, 德州的每一所医学院, 以及牛津大学的世界顶级出版项目.

8. You’ll Have Access to World-Class Internship and Career Experiences in a Tech Innovation Hub and Culture Capital

Austin is the nation’s 10th-largest city and the location of choice for startups and software giants alike. In the past year our students have interned at the software company VMware, 德州每月 杂志, 奥斯汀电影协会, 嘉信理财, Livestrong, 电子游戏公司艺电, 市长办公室, 以及可持续食品中心——这只是其中的几个例子.

9. 学生作为本科生进行研究生水平的研究

You’ll learn the skills and techniques to start developing your own 研究 agenda, 甚至在会议上展示你的作品. Our students recently have studied how exposure to four commonly used pesticides affects honeybees’ immune systems; how math can be used to determine whether racial gerrymandering was used in the drawing of congressional districts; and what relationships exist among sexual desire, 嫉妒和荷尔蒙,比如睾丸素.

10. 你将面对社会面临的关键问题

Our students aren’t afraid to learn — and take action — about tough topics. Service Break Experiences in 10 states and six countries will give you a chance to work alongside people who are tackling deprivation and injustice in their own communities. 在埃尔帕索的一周时间里了解移民和边境, 修复墨西哥湾沿岸被飓风破坏的房屋, volunteer at a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that serves former gang members, 或者在印度或南非与处于危险中的儿童一起工作.  

11. 我们会支持你的创业本能

Be part of 3 Day Startup, which offers a crash course in building a startup from scratch. 为商业计划竞赛做准备. Earn a seat at Capital Factory, the downtown incubator that’s a hub of innovation. 并向圣. 爱德华家的人后来开了一些公司,包括快餐车, a venture capital fund and a smart pillbox that reminds users when to take their medications. 证明? U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 也称我们为No. 最具创新力9名.

12. 我们的教师是思想领袖

Beyond teaching, our professors conduct 研究 and produce creative work that makes an impact. 罗伯特·丹顿·布莱恩特, 电子游戏开发总监, presented at this year’s Game Quality Forum Global in Amsterdam about how to hire and retain the best game testers. Laurie Cook Heffron, 社会工作助理教授, has 研究ed the toll that immigrant detention takes on Central American women seeking asylum.

13. Our Students Win Prestigious 奖学金 and Awards That Send Them Around the World

在过去的几年里,圣. 爱德华的 have traveled to Brazil, Morocco and Spain with support from the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金, which offers grants to undergraduates of limited means to study or intern abroad. Others have won Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships to Germany, Taiwan, Malaysia and India. 好奇的? Your success coach and staff in the Office of Fellowships will help you decide which awards to aim for, 从大一开始.

14. 我们的毕业生得到很酷的工作

是的,圣. 爱德华的 alumni become excellent doctors, lawyers, teachers and entrepreneurs. We’re also proud to claim a fashion designer for stars like Zendaya and Lady Gaga, 获得艾美奖的新闻主播, the head of corporate responsibility and sustainability at an Austin semiconductor company, 驻意大利和摩洛哥的国务院官员, 也是谷歌不可跳过实验室的品牌策略师, 哪些方法可以帮助公司改进数字广告. 当你来到圣. 爱德华的, you’ll have support charting a course to your dream job, whatever it may be.

15. You’ll Live in One of the Country’s Most Exciting — and Beautiful — Cities

在你空闲的时候, 看看巴顿泉镇和齐克公园, 奥斯汀城市极限音乐节, 南国会大街上的商店和围观人群, 夜间蝙蝠飞到市中心, 有数英里的小径可供徒步或骑自行车, 从玉米饼到素食烧烤应有尽有的餐车, 还有比你一个学期能在Instagram上看到的还要多的壁画. 奥斯汀什么都有.

我们的净价计算器估计你将支付St. 爱德华的教育.
