

This article is part of an ongoing series, in which students document their experiences, 无论是在校园里还是校外, 从他们独特的视角.  

之前 悉尼·米切尔19岁 graduated with a degree in Behavioral Neuroscience, she traveled to the Rio Grande Valley with other students on the annual 社会正义之旅, an immersive trip during which students consider the complicated relationship among history, 遗产, 行动主义和社会变革. Here are a few of her reflections and photos.


Two women sitting in front of a Prada store in the middle of the desert

Director of Diversity and Inclusion Joi Torres and Associate Professor of University Studies Alex Barron go from nada to Prada.

一个圣. Edward's "Fear the Goat" sticker on a rusty pipe

While visiting the Prada store in Marfa, we left our mark.

Three students throwing the "Toppers Up" in front of a fence in the desert

Lilli Hime ’19 (center), Bianca (B.) Salinas ’19 (right) and me (left) became known as the “alumni association” on the 社会正义之旅.

A mostly empty street in a small town

A glimpse into a day-in-the-life of Marfa, 德州

Three students knee-deep in a river

Lynette Rucker ’22, Joy Ambrose ’22 and Valentin Padilla ’22 cool off in the Rio Grande River. 在他们后面的是墨西哥!

Two students sitting in front of a large sign that reads "Big Bend National Park"

乔伊和亚历克斯摆姿势, while the rest of us cooled off in the van after canoeing 5 miles down the Rio Grande River!

A close-up selfie of a contemplative-looking student

Joi contemplates the rhetoric surrounding the borders and migrants risking everything for a better life.

A desert scene with shrubs, distant mountains, and a metal windmill

A snippet of the beautiful scenery that followed us along the journey.

An orange and blue painted building with rounded rooftops and entrances

We stayed at Eve’s Garden, a unique bed and breakfast, in Marathon, 德州.

An outdoor garden with a statue of a woman and flowers all around

There is a small observation deck on top of this building, perfect for decompressing and stargazing.

Two students outside, near a blue painted wall and potted flowers

B. and I were up early in the morning, 准备好对抗种族主义, 同性恋恐惧症和变性恐惧症, which we regularly experienced on our trip.

A student in a bookstore reading a book that says "White Tears by Hari Kunzru"

Joi reads  at the largest one-story library in the nation. It was previously a WalMart and was converted into the McAllen Public Library.

A group of students in matching blue shirts pose in front of a building

The entire 社会正义之旅 group poses outside La Posada Hotel in Laredo, 德州.

A man holding the hand of a woman to keep her from falling into a river as she reaches for a distant sunflower

莉莉和B. collect wild sunflowers off the shore of the Rio Grande River.


A peek at the international bridge over the Rio Grande River.

A white chapen in a field of green grass, with a small plaque in front of it

B. explores the historical church, La Lomita Mission, outside her hometown.


Lilli and I ponder how a wall will completely destroy this beautiful ecosystem and timeless neighborhood.

A large group of students poses in front of the river

Our group in front of the Rio Grande River, after a tour of the Chimney Trailer Park.


你是哪里人?? Akron, Ohio (home of Swensons and — I guess — Lebron).

Describe your life on the hilltop in three words? Invaluable, transitional, adventurous 

What was the favorite part of the trip? The structure of the trip: We began our journey canoeing at Big Bend, 哪个是天然的“边界”,” then ventured to the more rigid border and checkpoints, 然后去了拉雷多, 哪里的边界是有形的, 军国主义化的, 最后, we saw the area where the wall is to be built.

你对幸福的看法? 过着短暂的生活, never being in a single place for too long, and simply existing with those I love the most.

你现在的心境如何? Content, while in search of my true passion.

茶还是咖啡? Tea, more specifically, iced matcha tea with coconut milk and ½ pump of coconut syrup.

是什么激励着你? 我的导师, the people who constantly push for equity, social awareness and cultural appreciation despite their surroundings.

What are you doing post-graduation? 我是一个 入学辅导员 在圣. 爱德华的! 

What's your favorite part of Austin? 现在? 的绿地 ... 不干燥的时候.