Student Costs

Ornate door


以下是您可能在账单上看到的各种费用的分类, depending on your program. 类似于我们申请入学和经济援助的流程, we strive to make our billing as simple as possible. Unlike other colleges and universities, St. 除了学费,爱德华学院的收费有限.


全日制本科生学期费用将包括固定费率的学费(在12-18学时注册)和综合费用. 非全日制和暑期本科生学期账单将包括基于每学分费率的学费和综合费用. Optional fees for full-time, 兼职和暑期本科生包括汽车许可证, student health insurance coverage, on-campus resident housing and a university meal plans.

Undergraduate Fall 2024 & Spring 2025Cost per term
Full-time flat rate (for 12-18 hours enrollment) / 每小时收费(未满12小时或超过18小时每增加1小时收费)*$25,242/


Other Campus Fees 2024-2025 (Undergraduate)Cost
Application Fee$50
Enrollment Deposit $500
Car Permit Standard / Economy$185/$142
Audit Fee$130
全日制本科生综合学费,每学期** / 非全日制新生综合学费,每学期**$450/ $212
Health Insurance, per semester***$1,300
On-campus resident housing****$4,390
University meal plan****$2,730

 View the Cost of Attendance for the 2024-2025 year.


Fall 2023 & Spring 2024Cost per term
Full-time flat rate (for 12-18 hours enrollment) / 每小时收费(未满12小时或超过18小时每增加1小时收费)*$25,242/


Summer 2024Cost per term
Per Credit Hour                                                                                                    $1,248


Other Campus Fees 2023-2024 (Undergraduate)Cost
Application Fee$50
Enrollment Deposit $500
Car Permit Standard / Economy$185/$142
Audit FeeCost:$130
全日制本科生综合学费,每学期** / 非全日制新生综合学费,每学期**$450/ $212
Health Insurance, per semester***$1,276
On-campus resident housing****$4,350
University meal plan****$2,655



**该大学的综合费用是个别课程和校园要求的费用的综合. 这一单一费用取代了以前的技术支持费用, printing, labs, facilities, tutoring, student activities and other course fees. 它不能取代个人按需和非必需的服务费.e.私人音乐课、成绩单服务、健康保险和停车). All students at St. Edward's University pay the Comprehensive Fee

***拥有自己的健康保险的学生可以通过他们的myHilltop在线账户向健康和咨询中心提供他们的政策信息来避免每学期的费用. This is an estimated figure.

****新生需要住在校园里,并购买学校的膳食计划. Visit the Campus Living page to learn more.


你的学期账单将包括基于每学分费率的学费和综合费用. 可选费用包括汽车许可证和学生健康保险.


Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025

Master of Arts in Counseling, per credit hour* $1,610
Master of Business Administration, per credit hour*$1,242


Other Campus Fees 2024-2025

全日制研究生综合学费,每学期**/ 非全日制研究生综合学费,每学期**$295/
Car Permit Standard / Economy$185/ $142
Health Insurance, per semester***$1,300

View the Cost of Attendance for the 2024-2025 year.


Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024

Master of Arts in Counseling, per credit hour* $1,610
Master of Business Administration, per credit hour*$1,242


Other Campus Fees 2023-2024

全日制研究生综合学费,每学期**/ 非全日制研究生综合学费,每学期**$295/
Car Permit Standard / Economy$185/ $142
Health Insurance, per semester***$1,276


**该大学的综合费用是个别课程和校园要求的费用的综合. 这一单一费用取代了以前的技术支持费用, printing, labs, facilities, tutoring, student activities and other course fees. 它不能取代个人按需和非必需的服务费.e.私人音乐课、成绩单服务、健康保险和停车). All students at St. Edward's University pay the Comprehensive Fee

***拥有自己的健康保险的学生可以通过他们的myHilltop在线账户向健康和咨询中心提供他们的政策信息来避免每学期的费用. This is an estimated figure.


Books and Supplies

所有学生将单独租用或购买书籍和用品. 通过校园书店购买的教科书不能记入学生账户.


Financial institutions, 包括高校财务处, 联邦债务催收和消费者保护法是否要求其账单和付款政策/程序以及催收要求透明. 机构还必须确保学生(消费者)了解他们的政策和责任. For this reason, SEU requires that students accept the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, 承认他们的财政义务和对大学相关政策的理解. 该协议告知学生,他们与注册课程有关的经济责任, living in on-campus housing and participating in meal plans; and explains the potential consequences that may result if a student fails to meet those obligations.

我们的目标是帮助学生了解他们的教育成本和与他们在东南大学入学相关的财务政策. The agreement, 与学生财务服务网站一起使用, e-statement account information, letters and other documentation, helps explain the university’s expectations for payment, 并允许我们清楚地告知学生我们的政策相关的账单, late payment, contact methods, etc.

Payment and Deadlines

We bill students a semester at a time. Generally, 您将在注册后一周左右通过电子邮件收到您的正式账单,尽管您可以在注册前向您的学生金融服务顾问索取估计账单. 请参阅账单支付部分,了解有关付款选项和方法的更多信息,以及通过大学每月付款计划计划提供的全额付款或余额的学期到期日.

Tuition Insurance

Through GradGuard, St. 爱德华提供学费保险计划,为学生和家庭提供额外的保护. 这个计划可以偿还你的不可退还的学费和住房费用后,意外退出保险疾病, injury, mental health disorder, and more.