Graduate Programs

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At St. Edward’s, 我们的研究生课程可以让你调整你的职业目标,巩固持久的技能,让你在快速变化的就业市场和经济中茁壮成长和富有弹性.

Taught by faculty members who are experts in their fields, 我们具有学术挑战性的课程为您提供知识, industry insights, 全球化的视野和专业的网络,你需要把你的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平.

Designed for Busy Professionals

The selection of in-person and online programs we offer are convenient for busy lifestyles. 现场课程在奥斯汀市中心附近的主校区举行, through online and blended formats, and most include evening and weekend classes.

Accredited Education 

我们的学校保持着很高的学术水平,并获得了美国高等商学院协会(AACSB)的认证。, 咨询及相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP), 以及南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC).

Programs that Lead to Success


— U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019

of our graduate students agree their St. Edward’s education helped them meet their goals

— SEU Satisfaction Survey, 2017

for student satisfaction in Texas

St. 爱德华大学(Edward’s University)在得克萨斯州的在线商业硕士(非mba)中拥有最高的学生满意度和最好的教师响应能力.S. News and World Report (2024).


Online Programs

Whether online or in person, St. 爱德华的研究生院努力为我们所有的学生提供同样的优质教育, networking opportunities and skill-building curriculum. 我们的在线学生唯一的区别是课程更灵活, 在不牺牲对你来说重要的事情的情况下,在你的时间表上轻松学习.

课程是实时在线课程和异步课程的混合体, 这样你就可以灵活地平衡生活和学习,而不会牺牲你的目标.


30 Credit Hours | 16 Months | AACSB Accredited


加入一个充满活力和快速发展的行业,在这里您可以从为数不多的在线MSDMA计划中创造一个令人兴奋和成功的职业生涯. In this top digital marketing program, 你会用你的创造力和分析能力来解决市场营销的不断发展的景观. 获得商业智能和分析所需的知识, digital and social media analytics, marketing automation systems, 移动营销中的用户界面设计和数字创新.

30 Credit Hours | 21 Months


Learn to assess, 分析和帮助具有各种能力的人,这些人表现出具有挑战性的行为, including those with developmental disabilities and autism. 我们的医学硕士课程将提高你的技能,并给你临床经验反馈,为委员会认证行为分析师考试做准备.

36 credit hours | 12-24 month program | AACSB Accredited

Online Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The hybrid and online MBA at St. 爱德华的道德驱使你成为一个与众不同的人. It covers core business topics such as accounting, finance, marketing, big data and data analytics, 以小班授课,由专家教师在五个浓度的选择中提供个人关注.

60 Credit Hours | 39 Months

Online Doctorate (Ed.D.) of Education in Leadership and Higher Education

通过这个教育博士学位,将您的领导技能转化为职业. Designed for busy working professionals, 这个完全在线的EdD课程既灵活又可定制, and it can be completed in as little as 39 months. Gain the knowledge, 具备识别挑战高等教育管理各个方面的关键问题的技能和能力,并学会研究和确定创造性和全面解决这些挑战的方法. 您还将在完成课程的同时进行基于实践的论文研究.

30 Credit Hours | 16 Months | AACSB Accredited

Online Master of Science in Accounting Analytics (MSAA)

我们的全在线会计分析硕士课程旨在为道德专注的会计专业人士准备参加注册会计师考试,并推动您进入会计和财务管理层面的角色. 灵活和可定制,您可以在两年内完成您的会计硕士学位. Gain high-demand skills, 采用虚拟会计环境和非结构化大数据, 并学会通过从大量数据中构建意义来解决业务问题.

30 Credit Hours | 18 Months | AACSB Accredited

Online Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)

Earn your MSBA fully online and learn business analysis. Think critically, 分析问题,并作出负责任和战略决策-所有通过镜头的道德推理和伦理独特的St. Edward’s University. Gain the skills needed to be descriptive, diagnostic, 通过来自多个部门和业务功能领域的实际案例研究进行预测和规范.

30 Credit Hours | 16 months

Online Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL)

在这个领导力培训项目中获得管理积极的组织变革的技能. Earn your online MS in Organizational Leadership at St. 并从个人身上获得对领导力的理解, group, 组织和全球视野,并将其应用到你的职业道路上.

Learn More About Our Online Programs

St. 爱德华大学的学生和心理咨询硕士课程的教授
“我珍惜与教授和以前的同学建立的关系, some of which, 10 years later, are now dear friends and colleagues."
Susan Gonzales MAC ’14 Founder, Clinical Supervisor, Susan Gonzales Counseling & Associates
A St. 爱德华大学的研究生在夜校学习

Evening Programs

Master of Arts in Counseling (MAC)

Gain professional insights into human behavior through an experiential program and accomplished faculty; prepare to pass the LPC and/or LMFT.

  • 60 credit hours
  • 2- to 3-year program

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