
山顶上的人富有同情心, 在全球范围内的, 创造性的思考者和问题解决者, 他们每天都在证明这一点. 这五个学生是很好的例子. Their internships, research 和 studies abroad at St. 爱德华的 have led them to surprising 和 innovative experiences — from working with a cutting-edge tech startup in Austin 和 joining pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong to receiving scholarships for social research in Africa 和 studying the behavior of tarantulas 和 exotic birds. 看看他们是如何完整地学习和生活的.


Maya Boehm wears yellow 和 st和s in front of a colorful wavy mural.

壁画由Jason Eatherly创作

Maya Boehm, 21岁 

主要: 宗教及神学研究全球研究 

她计划的留学经历: Boehm spent three months last fall taking anthropology courses at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
她没有想到的教育: When Boehm arrived, student-led pro-democracy protests were occurring all over Hong Kong. She joined her new friends at sit-ins 和 marches, where thous和s of young people packed into the streets. Boehm had attended hours-long protests in Austin before. But in Hong Kong the demonstrations were ubiquitous 和 unceasing, shutting down the city 和 making them impossible to ignore.
她是如何改变的: “This was the first time I really had to think about: What does it mean to fight for freedom? 拥有自由意味着什么? It was the most beneficial 和 heartbreaking experience,” she says.

科迪·祖里辛(Cody Dzurisin)背着背包坐在露台上.

摄影:Inti St. 克莱尔

Cody Dzurisin ' 20

主要: 市场营销

他是如何应用他的课程的: Dzurisin first interned at the Austin startup myHouseby, an interactive house design website where customers can design their new-construction home. Next, he interned with Found Texas, a marketing agency founded by Matt Wolski ' 13. 在两家公司, Dzurisin built email campaigns 和 developed his client’s voice on social media by scheduling posts 和 engaging the community by responding to comments.

他的职业目标: Dzurisin wants to pursue digital marketing in the tech industry. He prefers fast-paced environments that emphasize innovation, where he’s learning on the fly. “I always tell myself that I’m comfortable with being uncomfortable,” he says.

Kadija Samura smiles 和 st和s in front of a warm gradient mural.

Kadija Samura, 20岁

主要: 全球研究 

她对东非的访问: The summer after her freshman year, Samura spent two months in Ug和a, as a Martin Scholar. She wanted to learn more about nonprofits’ approach to problem solving 和 how aid is delivered to postcolonial African societies. 对于武士》, the experience highlighted the importance of meeting people where they are rather than importing solutions to problems.
她在加纳的时间: Her junior year, Samura was selected as a Boren Scholar. The award supports international study for students who will pursue a career in public service. Samura dedicated her summer to learning Asante Twi, which is spoken in the West African nation of Ghana. She spent most of the academic year in Ghana studying urban 和 rural school systems.
她的主要问题是: Samura was troubled by the legacy of colonialism she saw in the countries she visited in Africa. 在加纳, her research revealed a Eurocentric approach to education in some schools 和 a need for more culturally relevant instruction. “Because of colonialism, what has occurred is a cultural memory loss,” she says. “This part of history is essential for us to revisit 和 open a conversation.”

Andres Targa走在Wild Basin的一条小路上.


主要: 环境科学与政策

“去年秋天, I collected data at Wild Basin that will help inform decisions about vegetation management at the preserve. 尽管天气很热, 而且工作很累, I enjoy the project because I like doing h和s-on work outside. 在Covid, we’re indoors 和 tethered to our computers so much that it’s nice to escape that reality at Wild Basin. 在那里,我感觉自己被孤立了. 我手机信号不好, 我脱离了我的日常生活, 在自然界中, you never know exactly what to expect: One day my research partner 和 I stumbled upon a battle between a tarantula 和 a tarantula hawk wasp. In my everyday life it can be hard to focus because there are so many distractions, 但在野盆地,我完全在场.”

Ella Fotinos holds her cat 和 st和s in front of a cat mural at Paz Vet.

Ella Fotinos, 22岁

主要: Pre-Veterinary生物学

“Last summer, I worked as a veterinary technician assistant. The previous summer, I interned in the bird department at the San Antonio Zoo. I wanted an experience with exotic animals so I could see how that compared to my work with cats 和 dogs at the vet clinic. 在动物园, I learned a lot about nutrition by making bird diets, 和 I rotated among different habitats where I fed storks, 还有鹤和火烈鸟,还帮他们收拾残局. These experiences helped me realize that while I love animals, 我也喜欢和人一起工作, 和 I appreciate the family-member bond that pet owners have with their companion animals. I’ve decided I’m more attracted to the mixture of animal medicine 和 human relationships that I’ll find in a small animal vet clinic.”

摄影:Chelsea Purgahn