


Harness the Power of Words With a BA in 写作与修辞

Express yourself and make a positive impact on your community through language. 


为什么要在圣. 爱德华的?

奥斯汀有很多优秀作家的机会. 在一家获奖广告公司实习, a policy research organization that’s analyzing bills during the Texas legislative session, or one of the many publications that cover news and profile the capital city’s incredible characters. 你也会从经验中学习, 充满激情的, and invested faculty whose work has appeared in professional journals, 短篇小说集合, 书, 报纸及其他. 


由艺术与人文学院主办, 玛西娅·金赛访问作家系列带来了诗人, 小说家, playwrights and essayists to campus to read from their work and talk with students about the process of writing. Previous visiting writers include Pulitzer Prize winner Jericho Brown, Jonathan Safran Foer报道, Naomi Shihab Nye, 还有更多.


一个完全由学生管理的组织, 的 Book Jackets Literary Club gathers students to share conversation about 书 and writing ideas. Students also gather to read and perform each other’s work and invite speakers to discuss internship and job opportunities for literature and writing majors. 的 club also shares information about upcoming literary events on campus and at local 书tores.


如果你喜欢诗歌和散文, 报道新闻的欲望, 或者是对喜剧写作的渴望, there’s likely a publication on the hilltop waiting for you! 向…投稿或加入…的编辑团队 Sorin Oak评论, St. 爱德华的 literary magazine that showcases the poetry, prose and artwork of the students. 阿雷特 is the student-produced academic journal that publishes student-written research and 非小说类 essays. 受山顶山羊吉祥物的启发, B. 臌胀 is the student humor magazine and is often featured in the student newspaper, 山顶的观点. 的 award-winning print and online newspaper welcomes creatives from all over campus.



You’ll have ample opportunities to intern in the book publishing world, 在媒体, 以及企业和非营利组织的沟通团队. St. 爱德华的 students have recently interned at the Texas Book Festival, 库特广播, 社区影响报, 德州每月, 奥斯汀纪事报, KXAN-TV, 写作中心, 奥斯汀电影节等等. 


写作与修辞 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子:

  • 亚马逊出版商服务公司的技术作家
  • 达拉斯市长办公室的通讯主管
  • IBM内容策略师
  • 美国癌症协会的信息专家
  • 研究生 student at the Newhouse 学校 of Journalism at Syracuse University
  • Better 首页s的助理编辑 & 花园
  • 德州立法委员会编辑
  • 休斯顿纪事报记者
  • 布朗斯维尔市的拨款撰稿人


Under the 写作与修辞 Program, students can choose one of four specializations.

1. 创意写作

创意写作 提供传统流派的课程,如诗歌, 小说, 非小说类, 编剧和舞台剧编剧, 以及新兴和混合体裁的写作. Our 创意写作 faculty is led by award-winning working artists. 除了传统的工作坊式写作课程, this concentration includes courses in literature and professional writing to create customized writing experiences and broad skills.

  • 主要要求: 36小时的主修课程加上选修课.
  • 通识教育要求: 34小时的通识教育课程.

浏览及下载 全学位计划创意写作集中 (PDF).


2. 专业写作

的 专业写作 track provides students with timely experience that they can apply in the job market. 专业写作团队, whose experience ranges from the courtroom to the conference room, help students develop an array of skills and problem-solving strategies. 学生可以在编辑中选择课程, 杂志写作, 广告与公共关系, 以及技术和商业写作, 还有新闻和创意写作的课程. 

  • 主要要求: 33小时的主修课程加上选修课.
  • 通识教育要求: 通识教育课程34门.

查看并下载完整的学位计划 专业写作专注力 (PDF).


3. 新闻与数字媒体

的 新闻与数字媒体 Track提供新闻报道和写作课程, 数字媒体制作和设计, 编辑和媒体标准. Students select additional courses in various areas of journalism and digital media, 包括杂志写作, 意见写, 广播新闻, 纪录片生产, 娱乐写作, 和体育新闻的写作. Those pursuing careers in journalism and digital media need strong writing and research skills. Public relations and business professionals benefit from learning clear communication for branding, 市场营销, 提出新的想法.

  • 主要要求: 36小时主修课程加上选修课程.
  • 通识教育要求: 34小时的通识教育课程

浏览及下载 full degree plan for the 新闻与数字媒体 concentration (PDF).


4. 一般

的 一般 track is for students who seek to develop their versatility as writers and scholars. 有扎实的语法基础, style, 以及修辞理论, students can choose to customize a course of study that may include classes in Legal Writing, 娱乐新闻, 格兰特写作, 或幽默写作. 


  • 主要要求: 24小时的主修课程加上选修课.
  • 通识教育要求: 34小时的通识教育课程.

浏览及下载 一般专业的完整学位计划 (PDF).


  • In 撰写拨款建议; you’ll choose an Austin area nonprofit to help with application for grant funding. Your class will visit the foundations library to search for funders, choose a foundation that matches the mission of your nonprofit, 然后写一份拨款申请. Many students have successfully won funding for their cause in amounts of up to $75,000. 
  • 技术写作 will help you communicate complex ideas clearly in any professional context. You'll conduct usability 测试ing and learn about the principles of universal design that improve accessibility for English language learners and for users with physical and neurological differences.  You’ll leave the course with professional writing samples you can use to apply for scholarships, 实习及就业机会.
  • In 职业准备, 你将与来自全国各地的校友建立联系, 策划个人品牌和电子作品集, 了解研究生课程和自由职业. You’ll also participate in “deep dives” with employers from different professional writing sectors. 这些演讲嘉宾都在招聘中, and they explain the history and mission of their organization, 职场文化是什么样的, 以及一个强大的应用程序是什么样的. Previous speakers have included staff from National Instruments and the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. 


Develop your ability to persuade your audience as a campaign speechwriter, 政策变革的倡导者, 或者是营销文案. Learn digital techniques and skills that will prepare you for work in newsrooms and other media outlets. Train your editor’s eye to notice mistakes and improve a piece of writing. 用你的技能让世界变得更美好, by writing copy for nonprofits or winning grants that let them expand their mission. Your classes are built to help you refine your craft and practice writing in real-world settings.


写作完成后 & 修辞学课程,你将准备好:

  • Clearly communicate complex information to a variety of audiences;
  • Confidently apply your extensive knowledge of grammar and style;
  • 营销和推销原创想法;
  • 支持使用可靠来源的声明;
  • 进行深入研究;
  • 专业地提供和接受反馈;
  • 用不同的形式分享你的写作;