
The 自然科学学院 encompasses the traditional natural sciences; computational sciences; clinical laboratory science; 和 bioinformatics, 生物学交叉的跨学科研究领域, 数学与计算机科学.




The 自然科学学院 prepares broadly educated 和 socially conscious scientists who bring diverse backgrounds, 视角, 为科学界和工作人员提供经验. 我们敬业的教职员工使学生能够实现自己的目标, 追求有价值的事业,为社会做出积极贡献.

通过创新教学, 个性化的支持和指导, 和 extensive opportunities for experiential learning (including internships 和 research with faculty), 我们满足学生的需要,帮助他们成为科学家, 学者, 他们渴望成为专业人士. 


我们的课程也非常强调协作和动手学习. Classwork 和 evidence-based research are conducted in world-class classrooms, labs 和 in the 野生盆地创意研究中心. 我们组成了 跨学科科学研究所(i4), an educational 和 professional framework that aids in building cross-sector partnerships 和 interdisciplinary collaborations through funding mechanisms for NSCI faculty 和 students. 除了, study abroad opportunities have been integrated into our programs so students can explore the world without extending their degree completion timelines. 


The 自然科学学院 comprises six academic departments offering more than 30 undergraduate major, 辅修课程和证书课程.


生物科学系探索维持生命的过程, 以及破坏它的事件. 学生将从基因的层面来研究生物学, 通过细胞和器官系统, 生物体的种群.


在化学系, 学生通过独特的化学方法学习基本的化学原理和理论, 亲自动手的, collaborative learning experiences designed to prepare graduates for a variety of careers.


Study the theory 和 development of computer software by learning algorithmic processes that create, 描述和转换信息.


Learn how to collect 和 analyze evidence from crime scenes so it can be used in court cases or the criminal justice system.


Explore the principles 和 theories related to fitness 和 the human body — from the basics of bio-mechanics to exercise physiology.


Pursue your passion for problem-solving 和 prepare for high-impact careers in engineering, 统计数据, 金融, 密码学, 航空, 科学研究或商业.

A student wearing a lab coat, protective 眼镜 和 手套 pipettes a sample in a biochemistry lab.


自然科学学院学位, 认证和合作项目为学生在科学领域的职业生涯做准备, 医药和农业, 进入研究生院和专业学校.



The 自然科学学院 provides students with personalized academic guidance that can play an important role when choosing a major, 选课,为毕业努力.

一位生物科学教授与St. 爱德华的学生在实验室里


师生合作提供了不可替代的洞见机会, 创新与增长. 由院长乔纳森·霍奇领导, our faculty are dedicated teachers 和 research 学者 encourage our students’ intellectual curiosity 和 critical thinking about the natural world.


Classes 和 labs take place in our three facilities where students engage in 亲自动手的 education that emphasizes interdisciplinary connections, 原创研究和主动学习.



The 约翰·布鲁克斯·威廉姆斯北部 building is home to the University's cutting-edge laboratory instrumentation, 包括奥林巴斯的共聚焦显微镜系统, 合成和解剖荧光显微镜和核磁共振室.



The 约翰·布鲁克斯·威廉姆斯南部 building houses high-powered computing laboratories that support projects in robotics, 环境科学与生物信息学. It was awarded Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) program's 3-star rating for its environmentally sensitive design. 冬天,太阳透过朝南的窗户,增加太阳热量的吸收, 而大的悬垂和窗纱则限制了夏季的太阳辐射.



St. 爱德华的 野生盆地创意研究中心 serves as an interdisciplinary research lab 和 a 亲自动手的 learning center for students. Wild Basin extends over 227 acres within the Balcones Canyonl和s Preserve system with hiking trails, 向公众开放志愿者机会和活动.



The mission of the 跨学科科学研究所(i4) is to build capacity in interdisciplinary sciences, informatics 和 emerging technologies as we increase students’ readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

学院协调校内跨学科活动, 组织与公共和私营实体的跨部门合作协议, networks STEM majors with employers 和 graduate programs through guaranteed internships, 和更多的.

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高级研讨会, 一年一度的活动可以追溯到1993年, gives all Natural Sciences students an opportunity to present their research at the end of the academic year.


卢西安研讨会纪念已故的卢西安·布莱施修士, CSC, 圣何塞大学工程学院的资深教授. 爱德华的. An endowment in his name provides support for research endeavors of the NSCI professor chosen as Lucian Chair. 

自2001年以来, the Lucian Chair has helped organize a public symposium that brings noted scientists to campus 和 highlights natural science research.



欢迎来到圣·霍普金斯大学自然科学学院. 365比分网电竞.

我们是一个由科学家和教育工作者组成的包容性社区, dedicated to helping you achieve your educational goals 和 pursue meaningful 和 rewarding careers in the sciences.

Our faculty are innovative teachers 和 学者 who engage students both in 和 out of the classroom. 他们是各自领域的专家,定期发表同行评议的论文, 在学术会议上展示他们的工作, 获得有竞争力的资助. As a student in the 自然科学学院, you’ll have the opportunity to join in this work. 体验式学习是我们学术课程的一部分, 和 each summer dozens of students participate in paid internships 和 research experiences.

We believe that there is a critical need within the scientific community for broadly educated 和 socially conscious scientists who bring diverse backgrounds, 视角, 和他们的工作经验. 我们的科学教育方法是基于东南大学的圣十字使命. 这意味着当你在圣. 埃德的, you’ll not only gain the scientific 和 technical expertise you need to be successful in your chosen field, 但你也会学到如何有效地沟通, 把握好你工作中的道德和伦理问题, 用你们所受的教育来帮助建立一个更加公正和人道的世界.

You’ll do all of this from our beautiful campus located just three miles south of downtown Austin. 约翰·布鲁克斯·威廉姆斯自然科学中心有110多个,000平方英尺的现代化教室和实验室空间, 包括先进的科学仪器和计算设施. You may also choose to explore 和 conduct research at our 野生盆地创意研究中心, 位于227英亩的野生盆地荒野保护区内. 从奥斯汀蓬勃发展的科技经济到德克萨斯州中部的自然美景, 你在正确的地方追求你的梦想,成为一名科学家, 学者, 或者你想成为的专业人士.

We’re here to help, 和 we are committed to your success at every step of your educational journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or if I can support you in any way.


