Is civil dialogue possible in the face of diametrically opposing views? Hilltoppers share the tools they use to engage in challenging conversations amid differing perspectives.

1. 多样化你的资源.

多样化你的资源 of information and whom you follow on social media. Think twice before following accounts that are designed to stoke outrage — ones that share attention-grabbing headlines or inflammatory video clips but offer little context.

2. 远离社交媒体.

Focus on making more time for face-to-face conversations.

3. 暂停60秒.

When you’re in a tense conversation, in person or online, take a deep breath before you respond. In conversations about especially charged topics, Different Together facilitators pause for 60 seconds of silence after each speaker to let others process what they’ve heard.

4. Spend time thinking about your values.

Particularly for long-term dialogues — such as with a friend or family member — spend some time thinking about your own values before you engage the other person. What life experiences have shaped your views? How did you come to hold the beliefs you hold today?

5. 先和陌生人交谈.

Practice having conversations with strangers before you try talking politics with Uncle Jake at Thanksgiving. Look for events hosted by groups similar to Different Together — try Braver Angels and the BetterArguments Project.

6. 练习积极倾听.

“You need to set aside your own biases when you’re listening to another perspective, and you need to actually absorb what  the person is saying in order to give a constructive response,” 艾玛·维克斯,23岁 说.

7. 检查你的假设.

Everyone makes snap judgments based on the hidden biases we hold. Ask yourself about the assumptions you’re making about the person you’re talking with or the group you’re learning about. 它们的依据是什么? Can you verify whether they’re accurate?

8. 你不需要交战.

Remember that you’re not required to engage with Uncle Jake — or anyone who is being disrespectful or insulting. “显示优雅,” 克里斯·柯林斯04 说. “But if you extend grace to somebody, 那个人不还钱, then they have just isolated themselves from a meaningful connection. 这是他们做出的选择.”

9. 对自己有同情心.

对自己有同情心 as well as the other person. “When you don’t judge yourself as harshly, you can be open to not judging others harshly,” 说 沃尔特·C. 漫长的14. “You can step into their shoes and try to experience things the way they do.”


插图由Brian Stauffer绘制


弥合分歧: Hilltopper Stories

In an era of record political polarization, it’s hard to have a constructive conversation with a person who holds different views. St. 爱德华的 is breaking the impasse by building graduates’ ability to hold peaceful, respectful conversations with those who disagree.

In 弥合分歧, we spotlight five members of the university community who are helping Americans replace toxic conflict with constructive disagreement.