Tackle the world’s most pressing environmental problems with a major in 环境化学.


探索您的选项 环境化学 Major Guide — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, and create a major experience that jumpstarts your future. 

You’ll learn the impact that chemical substances have on the earth’s ecosystems by building your knowledge of both 化学 and environmental science. Get ready to confront climate change, find ways to clean up air and water pollution, and respond to environmental disasters. Or figure out solutions to problems related to energy, waste and recycling.

You’ll join a student-faculty research group for at least two semesters, where you’ll learn the process of research from beginning to end. 应用 your knowledge in the state-of-the-art labs of the John Brooks Williams 自然科学s Center. 研究生 with a solid understanding of the science — and the connections between the environment, 经济与政策.

你将离开St。. 爱德华的 ready to make a difference.


环境化学 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • Geochemist and risk assessment officer at Tetra技术, a consulting and engineering company
  • 德州大学硕士生&M
  • 德保罗大学博士候选人
  • PhD candidate at the University of North Texas

选择St .的8个理由. 爱德华的

St. 爱德华的是第一号. 8 Best Regional University in the West in the 2020 U.S. 新闻 & 世界大学排名. In honor of our ranking, we share the 成为山顶者的主要原因.


我们强调体验式学习, so students majoring in 环境化学 enroll in at least two semesters of research courses and join a student-faculty research group with the goal of producing and presenting professional-level work.