学习. 网络. 面试. 找到你的路.

圣. Ed's experience prepares you to turn your confidence and enthusiasm, 多样的技能, global perspective and desire to make a difference into a successful career. It’s why employers choose our students for internships, and ultimately, as employees.


Your transition from college life to a fulfilling career is a primary focus during your time on the hilltop. We support your success with practical insights, 网络的机会, and job-search skills and resources that guide you toward your most rewarding path — be it graduate school or your dream job.

St. 爱德华的 student Michelle Flores stands in front of the Texas Capitol building, 她在哪里实习.


学会批判性思考, 解决问题, communicate effectively and understand the world from different points of view — practical outcomes of our liberal arts education.

St. 爱德华的 student Priyanka Ranchod wears a bee suit as she holds a plastic vial that contains a bee.


Dive into your discipline with high-level research, creative projects and fellowship studies that push the boundaries of learning, enhancing your credentials for graduate or professional school.



应用 what you learn in the classroom to real-world challenges. 在奥斯汀获得工作经验, across the country and abroad through internships with businesses, 很多人因此获得了工作.

Two students sit across from one another and talk during a networking event at a coffee shop..


Build your professional network on the hilltop and beyond. Professors and guest speakers offer students insights and connections in their fields of interest. More than 100 employers and organizations recruit on campus each year.

职业和专业发展 staff Ray Rogers speaks with a parent during orientation.


Our career counselors guide you with a 4-year Career Action Plan, providing support for exploring career options, 提高面试技巧, improving your job search and applying to graduate school.

职业和专业发展 team at the booth


You can immediately meet with a 职业和专业发展 (CAPD) team member to discuss choosing a major/career.



Get ready to build connections with potential employers, create a better understanding of yourself and your career options (through assessments) and search for roles both on and off the hilltop. You have access to CAPD services, programming, resources, and tools as a student and as an alumni.


Assistant Director, First-Year Career Initiatives

布列塔尼Stansel is the Assistant Director for First-Year Career Initiatives in 职业和专业发展 at St. 365比分网电竞. Brittany oversees and executes career development outreach initiatives focused on first-year residential students and assists with individual career coaching/advising to students and alumni of the university. Brittany has over four years of experience in career development and holds a Bachelor of Science in 心理学 and a Master of Science in Educational 领导 from Mississippi State University. 在LinkedIn上联系布列塔尼.


Assistant Director, Second-Year Career Initiatives

查顿告诉 is an Assistant Director for Second Year Career Initiatives, focusing specifically on career readiness with second-year students to assist them with career life post-graduation. 她拥有圣乔治大学全球研究学士学位. 2012年毕业于爱德华大学. She has over 10+ years of leadership experience, 管理经验, 还有销售和运营方面的背景, 热情好客, 活动和营销. Jardin is excited to bring her knowledge of career growth and readiness to the hilltop! 在LinkedIn上与Jardin联系



克里斯Finfrock is a 职业教练 in 职业和专业发展 at St. 365比分网电竞. Chris assists students in developing career goals, 撰写简历/求职信, 生涯探索, 和更多的. Chris has over 4 years of experience working in student-facing roles in higher education. He holds a Bachelor of 社会工作 degree from Texas State University. 在LinkedIn上与Chris联系.



布拉德利罗莎 is a 职业教练 in 职业和专业发展 at St. 365比分网电竞. Bradley works with students and alumni to help further their career and professional goals through individual career coaching. Bradley spent seven years as a student here on the Hilltop and holds a Bachelor of 艺术s in 政治科学 and a Master of Science in 领导 and Change both from St. 365比分网电竞. 在LinkedIn上与布拉德利联系.